free project

PHOTO IS:RAEL / Speed Dating Night by Daniel Seiffert

Looking forward to be part of a Screening during PHOTO IS:RAEL at 20.11.21 / 21:30 CET.

16 photographers from all over the world present their work on the subject of meeting points in a fascinating, fast-paced evening in which each artist has four minutes to present their project.

I will present my work “Guardas de Miramar” which I shot during a stay in Luanda / Angola 2018.

To be part of the Zoom Session please register here.


Im happy to find my Name on the Shortlist Line Up for the Centre Exhibition at COPENHAGEN PHOTO FESTIVAL 2020 with my new work RAUFASER

After a long and difficult selection process, in which we have received more applications than ever before, the final shortlist has been decided!

396 submissions received from 50 countries have been cut down to the final 19 photographers and visual artists who represent 16 nationalities. The chosen photographers and visual artists who appear on the shortlist have all captured the program committee’s attention through work that explores the festival’s three program columns respectively; Framing Identity, Framing Society and Framing vision. The final chosen artists will contribute to the festival centre through solo exhibitions, that capture and visualize the vision of the festival.

Copenhagen Photo Festival presents hidden talents by introducing the Danish as well as the international art scene, with artists who deserve acknowledgment for their originality and aesthetics.

Through our Instagram @copenhagenphotofestival it will be possible to get better acquainted with the shortlisted artists before the festival. Here, we will frequently introduce the shortlist through glances at their work.